JESUS AS A TEACHER - Teacher's Day Article
“You call me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so, for that is what I am” (John 13:13). When we think about Jesus, We get quickly to mind as —The Lord, Saviour, Master, and Redeemer. These were the words the multitudes used and this was how the disciples referred to Jesus as. Jesus was known for his ability to teach and also He was called “Rabbi” (Aramaic title) which means Teacher and which is used several times in the Bible. Even though he was not formally trained as a Rabbi, the people, however, recognized that Jesus was indeed a teacher sent from God. Jesus’s teachings were striking and memorable, not only because he used a variety of teachings methods but because of what he taught, and how he taught to the people around him. Like other teachers, Jesus had disciples, announced divine commands, supported his teaching with Scripture, debated with others, was questioned about legal disputes, and employed various techniques to make his teaching more memorable. Throughout his teaching ...