When God Calls: Reflections on the Book of Jonah

We have been hearing the story of Jonah since Sunday school, and probably even the kids know it very well. We have also heard various powerful messages from the men of God about the story. But have we ever thought to examine; Who is Jonah and why did God choose Jonah to convey his message to the people of Nineveh? What is so special about the Book of Jonah? As we read in the Bible, God mostly used prophets to convey His message to the people. Similarly, Jonah was the son of Amittai and a prophet in the Northern Kingdom at a time when King Jeroboam was successfully expanding the occupied land held by the ten tribes. Some studies also say that Jonah ruled during/before the time of Amos and Hosea. When we cut short the story, since the wickedness increased in the place of Nineveh, God used Jonah to demonstrate His mercy and love even though they were distant from Him. Also to remind them that they are still His people and to tell them that He is still watching their actions towards each o...