
GOD'S PRESENCE IS WITH YOU (Jacob's Dream of a Ladder to Heaven)

  "Jacob woke up from his sleep. He said, " God is in this place—truly. And I didn't even know it!" He was terrified. He whispered in awe, "Incredible. Wonderful. Holy. This is God's House. This is the Gate of Heaven." Genesis 28:16 (MSG)   This verse tells us the story of Jacob’s dream about a ladder reaching from earth to heaven, with angels going up and down. When Jacob woke, he realized something mysterious. God had been with him all along, but he hadn’t noticed.   God isn’t like the objects or the things we see around us. He doesn’t move from one place to another;  He is everywhere at all times with us, even when we cannot see.  According to Jeremiah 23:24 The Lord says “Am I not a God near at hand and not a God far off? Can anyone hide out in a corner, where I can’t see him? Am I not present everywhere, whether seen or unseen?”.    We see another Man of God declare the same out of an experience in the Bible, David! David captures the truth ...

When God Calls: Reflections on the Book of Jonah

We have been hearing the story of Jonah since Sunday school, and probably even the kids know it very well. We have also heard various powerful messages from the men of God about the story. But have we ever thought to examine; Who is Jonah and why did God choose Jonah to convey his message to the people of Nineveh? What is so special about the Book of Jonah? As we read in the Bible, God mostly used prophets to convey His message to the people. Similarly, Jonah was the son of Amittai and a prophet in the Northern Kingdom at a time when King Jeroboam was successfully expanding the occupied land held by the ten tribes. Some studies also say that Jonah ruled during/before the time of Amos and Hosea. When we cut short the story, since the wickedness increased in the place of Nineveh, God used Jonah to demonstrate His mercy and love even though they were distant from Him. Also to remind them that they are still His people and to tell them that He is still watching their actions towards each o...

(Engaging through the common truths found in the Bible)

A famous scripture for the women is Proverbs 31:30 which states, ‘ Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.’ This scripture highlights the power of women’s faith in the Lord and emphasizing on the result of faith over beauty. Similarly, the Bible instructs the women to express their faith through some ways which God really likes and wants. For example:      1. Trusting in God's promises : Just as Hannah trusted with faith to have a child (1 Samuel 1:18-19), women are called to trust in God's faithfulness and provision in their own lives.   2. Obedience to God's commands : Just like Mary who willingly complied with God’s word to carry Jesus in her womb (Luke 1:38), women are required to submit to god’s word and live as required by him.  3. Serving others with love : The Bible teaches that women should show love and compassion to others, as exemplified by the Proverbs 31 woman who cared for her family and...

Faith That Moves Mountains: Trusting in God's Sovereignty

( H ebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the belief of things not seen.”) We have been hearing a short story about a village, where villagers pray for rain after a dry spell, but only one girl brings an umbrella. Here we see among the villagers only one girl truly believes by faith. Similarly, many of us are in a feeling that we truly believe God and we have more faith comparatively others but the blunt truth is that we believe on the things which only happened but not on the things which are going to happen for what we have been praying. Faith itself is a word that has important meaning in many religious and spiritual traditions, including Christianity. The Bible is full of miracles, promises, and teachings of God, even without physical evidence. It is also possible to find...

Different Ways Mentioned in the BIBLE - Bible Study

We make decisions every day in our lives — like minor ones, such as what to eat for breakfast, what dress to wear etc., and major ones, such as whom to marry, which career I need to choose and so on. But we never thought how important it is to take decision on which way we should walk through or which path we should choose, to have eternal life? We have come across narrow way and broad way in the Bible many times and we understand that Narrow way is troublesome and Broad way is so much flexible. Also, we see there are other ways mentioned in the Bible, the ways which we need to follow and the ways which we need to avoid , to enter to the eternal life & to follow Jesus.    The ways which we need to AVOID 1. The way of Lazy (Proverbs 15:19)     The way of a sluggard is like a hedge of thorns, but the path of the upright is a level highway. 2. T he way of Wicked (Proverbs 4:19)      The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not k...

What is the Covenant of Salt in the Bible ?

Salt is understood to be the most preservative mineral which is know for its endurance symbolically. When God makes use of this metaphor, He is urging us to be faithful despite however circumstances appear on the earth because of his word which is absolutely sure like himself. The meaning of a salt covenant is an agreement that is meant to endure regardless of the circumstances. This type of covenant was an ancient symbol of unbreakable friendships and alliances that were to be preserved. Such agreements are solid, unbreakable and everlasting. We see this phrase "covenant of salt" mentioned only three times in the Bible i.e., (Numbers 18:19, 2 Chronicles 13:5 and Leviticus 2 :13 in ESV ).  In some translations it is mentioned as an “ unbreakable covenant ”.  Even though we read about it very few times, This covenant teaches us a lot about how we need to stand firm in every circumstance with faith.  As we know the story of Israllites, Grumbling was a common occurrence dur...

The Mysterious Childhood of King David - Unknown Facts

  KING DAVID'S CHILDHOOD We see in the book of psalms by David, few chapters were written with lot of depression & calling for help.   Have we ever thought about it what could be the situation behind it? Why it is always King David feel so alone, so disgraced, and so undeserving of love and friendship? We don’t have a proper scriptures on David’s childhood in the Bible but history has it, that he was born under controversial circumstances. From historical source, we now know that he was born to Jesse by his wife Nitzevet , a name which is not mentioned in the Bible but which nevertheless was real. Jesse (Yishai) who has served as the head of the Sanhedrin (supreme court of Torah law), and one of the most notable leaders of his generation. At a stage in his life, he came to realize that, he was not qualified to marry Nitzevet since she was not from the same tradition. As a member of the judiciary, he believed that he had the moral duty to redress the situation even thou...